Cargill is launching ProPricing® for canola, the first-ever grain marketing contract of its kind for Canada’s largest crop. The canola contract is one of the newest additions to Cargill’s ProPricing® portfolio of contracts, which allow growers to put a portion of their marketing in the hands of Cargill’s professional traders.
“We price the farmer’s grain alongside our own,” said Joe Christianson, Canadian Merchandising Lead. ”We connect every day with other Cargill experts around the world to gather the latest trading, weather and transportation information. This takes the daily pricing responsibility and stress off the farmer’s shoulders, and puts Cargill’s unique position and connections to work for them.”
Across western Canada, Cargill is also offering ProPricing® in soybeans, and an expansion of the existing spring wheat ProPricing® contract. In these contracts, Cargill’s professional traders establish the futures price for contracted grain during active trading in direct reflection of Cargill’s market bias.
“As the company with the largest canola crushing capacity in Canada, as well as global reach into many export markets, Cargill is in a unique position to read global trends and trade,” said Christianson. “Farmers who commit a percentage of their canola marketing to ProPricing® not only benefit from the trading of the contract itself, but also the expert insights shared by Cargill’s team. Meanwhile, the farmer is still in control, with the opportunity to price out each week.”
Farmers can visithttps://www.cargillag.ca/sell-grain/propricingor contact their local Cargill representative for more information.