Soybean acreage across Indiana may be the state's largest on record, a federal agency estimates according toa report at Pharos-Tribune.
The market has been favoring soybeans over corn, but local Indiana farmers say corn is making a comeback and a Logansport, IN, ethanol plant's demand strengthens the crop's prices locally.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture reported in March that producers surveyed across the country plan to plant about 89 million acres of soybeans this year, down 1% from last year.
Plans for soybean acreage dropped or did not change in 20 of the 31 estimating states. The biggest boost is expected in Indiana with 6.1 million acres, 150,000 more than last year. If realized, it'll be the state's largest planted area of soybeans on record. The same goes for Kentucky, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Read the full articlehere.