Recent trade discussions yielded good news for U.S. soybean growers when at least two Chinese grain buyers were reportedly given the green light to purchase five million tons of soybeans.AgWebreported on Friday, however, U.S. officials are asking for proof of those purchases.
Earlier reports indicated China would begin purchasing soybeans from the U.S. ‘immediately,’ but experts say that’s a strong word and it’ll likely take a little more time. But, U.S. officials aren’t waiting around for China to change its mind.
"We were told ... a top U.S. official [from a source who asked to remain anonymous] involved in the U.S.-China talks was calling some U.S. grain companies to ask if China was purchasing grain,” says Jim Wiesmeyer, Pro Farmer Washington Analyst to John Herath on theDC Signal to Noise Podcast.
Read the full report atAgWeb.