A coalition of 62 leading U.S. agriculture stakeholders has called for continued U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Theletterwas sent to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and leaders of the Senate Finance, House Ways & Means, and Senate and House Agriculture Committees.
It calls for effective WTO reform that would enhance the ability of American agriculture to access foreign markets and maintain transparency and accountability critical to future export growth supporting American jobs and identifies characteristics desired in the next WTO Director General.
Signatories of the letter include American Farm Bureau, American Soybean Association, National Corn Growers Association, National Milk Producers Federation, Corn Refiners Association, United Fresh Produce Association, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, and other industry groups.
“世贸组织基本的基于规则的体系international trade. We signed this letter to make clear to leaders on both sides of the political aisle that while reforms are needed continued U.S. leadership in the WTO is vital to American agriculture,” says John Bode, Corn Refiners Association (CRA) president and CEO. “As long as exports are important to U.S. agriculture, WTO membership will be essential. This is critical to the one-fifth of the U.S. economy that is agriculture related.”
The letter notes the need for the WTO to institute updated rules in order to keep pace with global economic change and call for increased member accountability. A transition in WTO leadership presents the opportunity to successfully implement reform and reinvigorate its negotiating function under a new Director General, which is necessary to achieve progress on a wide variety of international agricultural trade reforms. The letter identifies desired characteristics of the next WTO Director General.
“Farmers and ranchers across the U.S. depend upon the WTO’s international system of trade rules to facilitate growth in agricultural trade," says American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall says. "We may not always appreciate WTO delays or decisions, but it is critical for the U.S. to remain engaged with the WTO in a leadership role. Exports are fundamental to the success of U.S. agriculture and the WTO helps to create a level playing field for trade."
Throughout the WTO’s first two decades, overall trade in goods has nearly quadrupled while WTO members’ import tariffs have declined by an average of 15 percent. More than half of world trade is now tariff-free. The WTO affords U.S. agriculture producers and exporters most-favored nation (MFN) treatment in 163 countries, representing more than 80% of the global economy. Continued U.S. membership and active participation will help ensure that necessary reforms are undertaken, and that the WTO will continue to play an important and effective role in economic development of the United States and our trading partners.
“The WTO provides the foundation for rules-based trading and a vehicle to enforce them,” says Constance Cullman, president and CEO of the American Feed Industry Association. “Without this system, the United States animal food industry will not be able to compete fairly in the global market.”