For the week ending February 18, total inspections of grain (corn, wheat, and soybeans) for export from all major U.S. export regions were 2.3 million metric tons (MMT).
Total grain inspections were down 15 percent from the previous week, up 18 percent from last year, and down 6 percent from the 3-year average.
From the previous week, inspections of each of the three major grains continued to fall: wheat inspections decreased 22 percent; corn decreased 7 percent, and soybeans fell 22 percent.
Pacific Northwest (PNW) inspections, at .558 MMT, were the lowest since late July 2020.
Mississippi Gulf grain inspections were down 5 percent from the previous week.
Despite the declines in recent weeks, year-to-date grain inspections are up 39 percent from last year.