Grain Barge Tonnages Reach Record High

Logistics have improved; China continues to show strong demand for imported grain


For the week ending May 8, year-to-date (YTD) total barged grain movements reached a record-high 14.5 million tons, 47% higher than last year, 33% higher than five-year average, and 38% higher than the 10-year average (GTR table 10).

The exceptionally high YTD tonnage mostly reflects a high demand for corn exports. At 10.4 million tons, YTD total barged corn movements also set a record.

This total was 98% higher than last year, 65% higher than the 5-year average, and 77% higher than the 10-year average.

A couple of factors contributed to the high grain and corn totals. First, water conditions that had complicated barge logistics earlier this year have substantially improved. Second, the Asian market, especially China, has shown a continuously strong demand for imported grain.

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