Grain Inspections Recede After Three Weeks of Increases

Total inspections of grain for export from all major U.S. export regions totaled 2.9 MMT

Container cargo port VIA PIXABAY MARCH 2021

For the week ending October 21, total inspections of grain (corn, wheat, and soybeans) for export from all major U.S. export regions totaled 2.9 million metric tons (MMT).

Total grain inspections were down 23% from the previous week, down 30% from the same time last year, and down 2% from the three-year average.

From the previous week, corn inspections fell 48% and soybean inspections fell 14%, while wheat inspections fell only 1%.

Total inspections of grain decreased 40% in the Mississippi Gulf, mainly because of lower shipments to Latin America.

Pacific Northwest (PNW) inspections decreased only 4% from the previous week.

During the last four weeks, total inspections were 20% below last year and 4% above the three-year average.

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