Russia, Turkey to Discuss Ukrainian Grain Exports

Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations are expected to sign a deal later this week

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Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan will discuss theexport of Ukrainian grain在德黑兰会议周二,克里姆林宫ide has toldReuters.

Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United Nations are expected to sign a deal later this week aimed at resuming the shipping of grain from Ukraine across the Black Sea, which has been all but choked off by Russia's decision last February to send its armed forces into Ukraine.

Last week, talks between the countries aimed at resuming Ukrainian grain exportsblocked by Russia in the Black Seawere successful.

TheBBCreported that Turkey's defense minister, Hulusi Akar, said both sides had agreed on ways to ensure the safety of shipping routes for grain ships.

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