In BBC’s new film, “Nature’s Building Blocks,” POET represents the biofuel industry’ssustainabilitymessage.
POEThas been featured in a 29-part film series produced by BBC Storyworks called “Nature’s Building blocks.” The commercial content division of BBC Global News.
The series unpacks topics like sustainability and health by exploring how biotechnologists and innovators are taking “Nature’s Building Blocks” to create solutions to our greatest challenges.
One of the animated films focuses on POET’s use of corn as a sustainable source of biofuel and bioproducts and explains that corn leaves, referred to as “nature’s solar panels,” produce an unexpected but valuable source of renewable energy. By harnessing the power of photosynthesis and corn’s ability to make and store energy, biofuels like bioethanol are revolutionizing the transportation sector with a clean, low-carbon, renewable fuel option.
POET is also a leader in the production of additional plant-based bioproducts that can replace petroleum-based products. POET’s ever-growing suite of bioproducts includes high-protein animal feed, bioCO2, purified alcohol, a renewable asphalt additive, and corn oil (used as a feedstock for biodiesel and renewable diesel).
“这部电影是second project we’ve worked with BBC StoryWorks to create,” said Jeff Broin, POET founder and CEO. “We’re always seeking ways to educate new audiences about the power of agriculture and bioprocessing to solve the world’s most pressing issues. Humans have fallen out of sync with nature, and it’s time we return to harvesting our energy from the surface of earth.”
POET’s film is available for viewinghere.