When thinking of emerging markets for U.S. grains and co-products, places like Africa and Southeast Asia may easily come to mind. Southeast Mexico, however, may hold the key to new opportunities in a country that has been a strong partner for U.S. agriculture throughout the years.
Last week,U.S. Grains Council(USGC) staff spent time in the southeastern region of Mexico, sharing the results ofdistiller’s dried grains with solubles(DDGS) trials with ranchers in the area who have not been aware of the product and its nutritional components in their animals’ feed.
“Southeastern Mexico is the country’s source for feeder cattle in northern Mexico. Producers rely on grassing and dual purpose to manage their cattle," said Javier Chávez, USGC marketing specialist in Mexico. "By teaching how to supplement their cattle with DDGS-based concentrates, we are helping them become more efficient and productive.
This market is very spread out, and no grain company has the ability to reach them as USGC does with their programs, said Chávez.
"Perhaps, in the short term, the results are difficult to measure, but as some of them grow, they will have the backing that our educational program has given them along with the development of suppliers to the region that we hope will become important end users as well," Chávez said.
Water buffalo trial
In Veracruz, Mexico, USGC staff visited a ranch that has been taking part in a DDGS trial on water buffalo conducted by USGC.
Since the buffalo do well in the tropical environment and require less attention than cattle, buffalo are becoming more popular in the area. Their milk is better quality, they live longer and have higher fertility rates than cattle. While the owner of the ranch did not use DDGS before the trials, he plans to now after seeing the results.
The trial presentation was offered to government officials, ranchers, researchers, feed millers and academic representatives. Chávez gave an overview of the USGC's work before Ruben Aguilera, USGC consultant, presented the results of the DDGS feeding trials, which were positive.
The audience had many good questions and seemed interested in learning more about DDGS and its supplemental qualities in feed.
On the second day of the program in Veracruz, USGC staff visited two cattle ranches, both of which have seen the benefits of DDGS use thanks to USGC and its work in the region. The ranches varied in size, but both offered great feedback on their experiences with DDGS use for beef and dairy cattle.
To close the program, the team traveled to Campeche, Mexico, where they presented the results of two different DDGS trials -- one on calves and the other on dairy cows -- to the Nuevo Durango Mennonite camp.
USGC Consultant Eduardo Christensen presented the results before USGC memorandum of understanding (MOU) partner PROMEXA offered an overview of its DDGS base concentrate.