EGT expands soybean meal storage at export terminal

Joint venture between Bunge, Pan Ocean America and Agtegra, EGT will triple its current capacity at its Longview, Washington, export terminal.

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EGT, ajoint venturebetweenBunge, Pan Ocean America andAgtegra Cooperative, will nearly triple the current capacity of soybean meal storage at its Longview, Washington, export terminal.

The project, expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2025, also includes improving handling capabilities, enabling it to operate with greater speed, flexibility and efficiency, saidJason Gertken, EGT’s president.

“This investment will allow us to better serve our customers at both ends of our value chain, providing an additional export outlet for the incremental meal expected to be produced in the US, mostly influenced by higher demand for vegetable oil from the renewable diesel industry,” said Gertken. “We are excited to reaffirm our commitment to the Longview community with this expansion.”

EGT’s terminal handles up to 150 vessels per year, with an annual throughput capacity of approximately 9 million metric tons.

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