The Iowa Grain Quality Initiative (IGQI) and the Agribusiness Association of Iowa (AAI) are partnering to host the second annual Grain Elevator Operations Management Course, January 14-18, 2019, in Ames.
The course will take place at the Scheman Building, 1805 Center Dr., on the campus of Iowa State University.Visit the AAI’s website to registerfor the five-day course. Enrollment is limited to 30 participants. If oversubscribed, additional course offerings will be considered at another time.
The course will be led by Dirk Maier, professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering at Iowa State, and member of the IGQI management team.
“Participants in the first offering of this course confirmed that managing grain for maximum quality and quantity during handling, drying and storage remains key to profitability of their grain elevators,” Maier says. “Operations personnel carry a critical responsibility for minimizing shrink loss and maximizing quality. This course will teach the scientific principles and advanced practical skills to further increase the professional competence of grain industry employees.”
Maier will team-teach this course with Bob Marlow, owner of Operations Professional Services, Sam Cook, lecturer in agricultural and biosystems engineering at Iowa State, and Charles Hurburgh, professor and grain quality and handling specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.
Topics will include operations costs; grain quality characteristics and measurement; air properties for drying and cooling; handling and conveying to minimize grain breakage; principles of grain drying and conditioning; grain monitoring and aeration control and managing shrink loss to maximize profit.
The emphasis of all topics will be on operating economics that each course participant will be able to successfully implement.
Registered participants can earn three continuing education units through Iowa State that will be transferable towards maintaining existing grain industry credentials. Registered professional engineers can submit course participation to count towards professional development hours.
For more information on the course, contact Maier at 515-294-0140 or[email protected]or visitagribiz.org/events/education/grain-short-course/.