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GEAPS and K-State June Courses Released

Classes address Quality Management Systems, Entrapment and Milling Operations

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Registration is now open for three courses from the Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) and Kansas State University (K-State) Distance Education Program. These online courses run fromJune 25 – July 30, and registration closes Wednesday, June 19. Courses are open to anyone, even if they are not a GEAPS member or a student enrolled at K-State. Online registration and more information on courses are available on theGEAPS/K-State Distance Education Program website.

GEAPS 530: Quality Management Systems for Bulk Materials Handling Operations

Participants learn about quality management systems and how to use them in agricultural storage environments. This course provides strategies for integrating systems into normal business activities and teaches the skills needed to create food safety plans and develop quality management systems. After completing the course, participants should be able to do a basic quality analysis of facility operations and identify points where physical quality or economics are impacted.

GEAPS 545: Grain Entrapment: Causes, Prevention and Rescue

Participants learn how to identify problem areas, perform preventative maintenance and use equipment and systems to prevent entrapment. Lectures address government regulations, grain unloading and reclaiming, grain bin safety equipment and emergency preparedness.

GEAPS 600: Overview of Milling Operations

This course enhances the knowledge and skills of workers involved in the milling process. It helps participants analyze the mass balance of material flowing through the mill and apply statistical process control techniques to monitor mill performance. Students will also gain an understanding of sampling techniques and tools to accomplish proper sampling, the impact of milling practices on flour quality and blending practices that meet customer specifications.

Courses cost $700 for GEAPS members and $965 for non-members. Significant savings are available for companies looking to purchaseblocks of registrations.

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