According to itspost on Facebook, Crystal Valley Cooperative, a full-service agricultural cooperative headquartered in Mankato, MN, was also a ransomware victim this past weekend.
On Friday,NEW Cooperative, Fort Dodge, IA,was targetedby a Russian-backed ransomware group, BlackMatter, whichdemanded $5.9 million to provide a decryptor.
The Crystal Valley Cooperative Facebook post read:
"Crystal Valley has been targeted in a ransomware attack. The attack has infected our computer systems and interrupted the daily operations of our company.
"Note: due to this, we are unable to accept VISA, Mastercard, and Discover cards at our cardtrols until further notice. Local cards do work.
"As we continue to navigate through this with the help of experts, we appreciate your patience and understanding. We will continue to update with information as it becomes available."
Crystal Valleyis a farm supply and grain marketing cooperative focused on serving the needs of crop farmers and livestock producers in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa.
NGFA Offers Cybersecurity Resources
Iowa Grain Co-Op Contains Cyberattack
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