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A Strong Link in the Food Chain

The new connection between the American Farm Bureau Federation and Feed & Grain.

史蒂文Kilger 2爆头

On July 30, a very significant event occurred forFeed & Grainmagazine and the American Farm Bureau Federation. While technically an acquisition of the former by the American Farm Bureau, I rather like to think of it as a marriage of two very strong brands that are deeply-rooted in the agriculture industry. While each in its own right is important to the agriculture community, bothFeed & Grainand the American Farm Bureau Federation are strengthened because of the combination.

So, who is the American Farm Bureau Federation? We are the unified national voice of agriculture—6 million members strong—working to strengthen agriculture and rural America. Since 1919, our farmers have been leaders in shaping agriculture policy, providing economic opportunities for rural communities and weaving the very fabric that helped make this nation what it is today. In short, we are strong because of our farmers’ commitment to the nation, and especially the communities, in which they serve.

As millers, feed manufacturers and feed and grain handlers, you are a part of this special agricultural community along with farmers. Without one, there really can’t be another. Farm Bureau members are frequently your clients, on both the buying and selling ends.

As the people who store, handle and add value to our grain, you cannot do your jobs if farmers are not doing theirs. I see this chain as important, with everyone playing an equal part. Each of us stronger by the links we create. I’d like to put it to you this way: Do you consider the farmers who deliver grain to your operation, or who buy feed from you, as just more clients or as significant links in the chain? I’m hopeful that with our new partnership withFeed & Grain, you’ll begin viewing it as the latter if you don’t already.

With your partnership, today’s farmers are continuously improving, growing more food than ever before. Each year, a U.S. farmer feeds 154 people here and abroad. By 2050, the world population is expected to grow by 2.3 billion, meaning our farmers will have to grow about 70 percent more food than what is now being produced.

Feed and grains account for nearly two-thirds of what U.S. farmers grow. These commodities are significant to a growing world, but a farmer can only take them so far—typically from seed to your facility’s dump floor. What happens to them afterward is in your hands. This is where our partnership matters.

AsFeed & Grain’s new owners, the American Farm Bureau is very aligned with your business. As times goes along, you might occasionally see on these pages some of our analysis of production agriculture and how it affects your sector. That is just one of the reasons we are optimistic that our synergies withFeed & Grainwill only add another layer of expertise behind the industry resource you already love. We look forward to continuing to strengthen our link together in the food chain.

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