The last year has seen a ton of change. Stay on top of what's happening in the industry with theGEAPS Exchange Online Conference.
Margi Simmons from Brave New Workshop will present a workshop to help you get comfortable being uncomfortable and foster a mindset of change.
Other sessions include:
- Technical training
- Product demonstrations
- Virtual Idea Exchange
Check out thefull schedule完整的细节。Register by February 8to get the best rates.
GEAPS also offers itsDistance Educationprogram taking place March 9-April 4. Registration closes March 2.
March Courses:
- GEAPS 510: Grain Facilities Planning and Design I
- GEAPS 520: Grain Quality Management
- GEAPS 521: Aeration System Design and Fan Operational Management
- GEAPS 551: Materials Handling II
Courses are completely online and can be completed whenever your schedule allows.
Click here toregister for online courses.