
Winston-Salem, NC 27103

Company Overview
3831 Kimwell Dr.
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Phone: 336-712-2437

SonicAire® fans are the world’s only solution that proactively eliminates overhead combustible fiber and dust.

SonicAire engineers developed this line of clean fans with one simple goal: eliminate all the problems and risks that stem from overhead buildup of fiber and dust.

We’re thankful that we’ve been able to do just that across a wide range of industries throughout the world.

We want to keep plants safe from lint fires and dust explosions and we want to keep plants from suffering stiff fines for government noncompliance.

So please consider us your resource for any question you have on controlling the risks of fugitive dust. We work hard to stay current with government regulations to help our clients avoid stiff fines for noncompliance.

But the bottom line is safety. We want to help keep you and your employees free from the dangers of combustible dust.

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