The Renewable Fuels Association welcomed news that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hasfiled a motionin the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit asking the court to vacate and remand three last-minute small refinery exemptions granted to Sinclair by the previous administration.
According to EPA’s April 30 filing, the agency under the previous administration failed to properly analyze the waiver petitions submitted by Sinclair. The filing says the Trump administration’s EPA “…granted exemption extensions that EPA now believes are ‘outside the scope of the EPA’s statutory authority.’”
“We strongly support EPA’s request for vacatur and remand of these three midnight-hour exemptions that were handed out to Sinclair in the waning moments of the Trump administration," says RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. "If allowed to stand, these improperly granted exemptions would have erased demand for another 260 million gallons of low-carbon renewable fuels, undermining the rural communities that depend on a strong RFS. We are greatly encouraged by EPA’s actions, which are consistent with President Biden’s commitment to stem the tide of unwarranted refinery exemptions and put the RFS back on track.”
With less than 24 hours remaining before the inauguration of President Joe Biden, EPA on January 19 announced that three small refinery exemptions had been issued to unidentified refineries, letting those facilities out of their Renewable Fuel Standard compliance obligations for 2018 and 2019.
As noted in EPA’s brief, RFA immediately filed apetitionfor review and an emergency motion to stay the effectiveness of the exemptions in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, even though the identity of the refineries was unknown at the time. On January 21, the D.C. Circuit granted the administrative stay requested by RFA. Sinclair later confirmed that its Wyoming refineries were the recipients of all three exemptions, and the proceedings then moved to the Tenth Circuit.
在4月30日申请,环保局表示,以前的承认nistration “…did not analyze determinative legal questions regarding whether Sinclair’s refineries qualified to receive extensions of the small refinery exemption under controlling case law established by this Court inRenewable Fuels Association v. EPA…, and there is substantial uncertainty whether, if EPA performed such an analysis, it could grant the petitions submitted by Sinclair.”
Notably, EPA’s brief underscores that Sinclair has already retired the RINs necessary to demonstrate compliance with its 2018 and 2019 RFS obligations. Thus, vacating the three exemptions, as requested by EPA, would preserve stability in the marketplace “…by ensuring that the RINs that Sinclair already retired to demonstrate its small refineries’ compliance with their 2018 and 2019 compliance obligations remain retired.”
About theRenewable Fuels Association
RFA is the leading trade association for America’s ethanol industry, working to drive expanded demand for American-made renewable fuels and bio-products worldwide.