Chino Valley Ranchers'It Starts With Our Feed videooffers a glimpse into a commitment spanning 25 years, raising poultry fed with premium organic corn, soybean, alfalfa, flax seed, and other select seeds.
Based in Colton, CA, Chino Valley Ranchers' three specialties of eggs: organic, organic Omega-3, and Omega-3 soy-free are produced by poultry raised on specially-formulated feeds that have been designed and optimized by a staff Avian Nutritionist.
Organic, non-GMO grain is sourced domestically, throughout the Midwest, and globally.
Varieties of feed are formulated and milled on-site, giving Chino Valley Ranchers the ability to maintain their eggs' high quality and unique nutritional properties.
Feed formulations do not contain hormones, animal proteins, steroids, or antibiotics.
View the videohere.