Soybean meal is the No. 1 protein source used in aquaculture worldwide, and farmed fish currently comprise almost half of the global fish protein intake around the world.
According to a report atU.S. Soy, the current growth potential of this market appeals to several feedstuffs, including soybean meal.
“The aquaculture sector continues to expand and improve at a very rapid pace," says Robert White, United Soybean Board farmer-leader from Virginia Beach, VA. “Today, almost all aquaculture species use soy products in their feeds. Soy has become an essential ingredient in aquaculture feeds.”
Many U.S. soybean farmers have also realized the potential of the aquaculture industry as a market.
“Just a few years ago, soybean farmers were very skeptical of aquaculture,” says White. “However, through educational opportunities and partnership between the soy checkoff and the Soy Aquaculture Alliance, farmers have seen the vast opportunity to move more soy products into the aqua arena.”
Read the full report atUSSoy.org.