Domestic and international trends, oxidation of pet food ingredients, research in emerging issues and dilated cardiomyopathy in pets are the hot topics that will take the stage at the upcoming American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) Pet Food Conference. The recipient of the inaugural Friend of Pet Food Award will also be announced at the conference.
The 13th annualPet Food Conferencewill take place on Jan. 28, 2020, in conjunction with the2020 International Production & Processing Expo, taking place Jan. 28-30 in Atlanta, Ga.
“This year’s conference has a lot of new features to offer attendees. We are particularly excited to bring young pet food leaders to the table, learn about new research in pet food production and ingredients, and give the Friend of Pet Food award to a pair of very deserving individuals,” said Louise Calderwood, AFIA’s director of regulatory affairs. “AFIA’s Pet Food Conference is also an effective way for attendees to engage with some of the industry’s leading experts and roughly 300 of their peers in this unique segment within the animal food manufacturing industry.”
Agendaitems include discussions on the oxidation of pet food ingredients and new methods to measure quality, domestic and global industry trends, new research on pet food production and an ingredient analysis, an update on dilated cardiomyopathy in pets and recent work on pet food issues at the Association of American Feed Control Officials.
New this year, the program also invites graduate and undergraduate students to present research on emerging issues in the pet industry in paper and poster sessions.
Online registrationfor IPPE and the AFIA Pet Food Conference is open. Interested individuals are encouraged to register for the Pet Food Conference by Jan. 10 to receive the early-bird rate of $90. After that, the registration is $110.