非洲猪瘟(ASF)孔蒂nues to deteriorate the hog herd in China and throughout Asia and Europe, many here in the US believe that it’s a matter of when, not if, ASF makes its way here, reportsHoosier Ag Today.
Dr. Scott Dee with Pipestone Veterinary Services, a presenter at last week’s Midwest Pork Conference held in Danville, IN, disagrees.
"... The research we’ve conducted on the risk of feed, that’s being evaluated now as another potential avenue of the virus, we’re doing some things to reduce that risk," he says. "So, I think we’re going to keep it out."
In 2018, the US imported 104,000 metric tons of soy-based products from China and exported over 48 million metric tons of soy-based products.
"t’s such a teeny little piece of the pie, let’s just make it ourselves," says Dr. Dee. "Let’s just use our own great soy technologies and varieties and make our own.”