High and volatile feeding costs; pressure to reduce medication; limitations on the use of antibiotics; concerns on inclusion of animal protein in the diet; an upcoming ban in Europe on the pharmaceutical use of Zinc Oxide and the threat of diseases, all create a challenging environment for pig producers around the world.
In such an environment nutrition can make a difference, together with good farm management and strong genetics.
Years of scientific research and performance trials evidence how optimized diet formulation can positively impact the health status of the pig and support the performance of the animal. Based on the biological development of the piglet, three main feeding stages can be identified: 6-9 kilos; 9-15 kilos and 15+ kilos. The feed quality in the first two stages is crucial in reducing the risk of post weaning diarrhea (PWD).
Jes Klausen, Swine Nutritionist at Hamlet Protein presented the feeding manual to Danbred and Hamlet Protein customers in a webinar.
“从断奶-通常6公斤15 kg is a very critical phase in the development of the young piglet," says Klausen. "The small intestines are growing by 15 cm a day, but the enzyme capacity is initially still immature. Investing in healthy nutrition, low in antinutritional factors, in this phase is setting the stage for a healthy and economic performance of the fattening pig.”
Ashley Norval, Knowledge Transfer Manager with Danbred, said they are excited about the cooperation between Danbred and Hamlet Protein.
"Next to genetics and good management practices, nutrition is an important part of achieving the full potential of the Danbred piglets," says Norval. "Through this feeding manual we intend to provide a guideline on how to feed piglets in the most economical way, whilst addressing the increasing pressure on the use of additives and medication."
AboutHamlet Protein
Hamlet Protein produces soy-based protein ingredients for young piglet, poultry, and cattle feed at two production plants in Denmark and the US. Hamlet Protein services customers around the world through a network of own sales offices and distributors.