AFIA Opens Integrator Feed Facility of the Year Applications

Program is open to all AFIA and USPOULTRY member integrator feed facilities


TheAmerican Feed Industry Association (AFIA)has opened theapplication phasefor its Integrator Feed Facility of the Year (FFY) program.

The program is open to all AFIA andU.S. Poultry and Egg Association(USPOULTRY) member integrator feed facilities.

“Many of our integrator feed facility members prioritize top-notch safety, quality and food safety and production efficiency," saidGary Huddleston,the AFIA’s director of feed manufacturing and regulatory affairs.

"We are excited to recognize those who go above and beyond in keeping their operations running safely and efficiently."

AFIA已经认识到优秀的饲料manufacturing facilities since 1985. In 2016, the AFIA created four distinct manufacturing categories to be more inclusive of animal feed industry facilities.

In 2021, the FFY program separated each category into its own individual program: liquid feed, commercial dry, premix and ingredient, and integrator, with each category having its own facility of the year award.

The application phase for theIntegrator Feed Facility of the Year is now openand submissions, with the $100 application fee, are due by October 7.

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