Treating post-harvest grains is important, and knowing how to properly treat empty bins can help prevent insect infestations. To aid in insect control, follow the Bug Free Grains pre-bin checklist:
✔Empty those bins
Out with the old, in with the new. This step may seem like a no brainer, but make sure to completely empty your bins to ensure a bug-free start.
✔Clean sweep!
Your bins are completely empty, now what? Clean! Take this opportunity to deep clean grain bins following the guidelines of the first, and most important step in theS.L.A.M. approach, sanitation. For a complete deep clean, ask yourself the following questions:
- Could someone tell what kind of commodity was stored here last?
If you can still see grain dust or any visible sign of old product, it isn’t clean enough! Insects and insect eggs from leftover grain can lead to new infestations, jeopardizing the value of your post-harvest grains. Don’t forget to clean grain handling equipment too, including all transportation vehicles. - Have you made all necessary repairs?
Make sure to patch and seal any cracks, crevices and holes in your facility, as these are typically how insects get into grain. Remember to check the spaces where grain can accumulate including false doors and augers. - How’s the outside?
Now that your empty bins are spotless, it’s time to head outside. To help ward off unwanted insects infesting grains, clear the area up to 10 feet around empty bins, clearing weeds and old grains, as those can attract insects.
✔Time to treat
Once all your repairs are made, bins are cleaned and the outside has been tended to, it’s time to spray your empty bins with a pre-bin treatment. We recommend using a start-to-finish insect control solution likeDiacon®IGRPLUS. A formulation with an adulticide and an insect growth regulator (IGR),Diacon®IGRPLUSkills insects in the grain and prevents future generations from emerging.
Apply the solution to equipment, bin walls, floor surfaces and even directly on grain for complete control. For even more power,Diacon®IGRPLUSmay be tank mixed with other products, such asPBO-8®Synergist.When getting ready to treat grain bins, keep the 1-1-1 rule in mind:
- 1 fl. oz. Diacon®IGRPLUS
- 1 gallon of water
- 1,000 square feet per treatment
- See label for directions for use
Maintaining a strong sanitation program along with using grain protectant products can help control post-harvest insect damage, from start to finish.
For more information on implementing a pre-bin treatment strategy includingDiacon®IGRPLUS, check out thishelpful resource.
Diacon is a registered trademark of Wellmark International.